Depressed? Must be a writer.

The Guardian‘s Benedicte Page reports that “Writers ‘at greater risk of depression’, survey finds“:

Irregular pay and isolation contribute to the propensity for writers to succumb to depression, says the site, with nearly 7% of male artists and writers likely to suffer a major episode of the illness.

Though Gwyneth Lewis disagrees that suffering for one’s art is worthwhile. She says, “You have to be well. If you’re properly clinically depressed, you can’t think about rhyme.” I suppose she’s got a point. Avoid these blogs.

In other news, water is still wet and yes, it is possible to live without Facebook.

And hey, says the rate of suicides doesn’t go up during the winter holiday season. I know, I totally believed it too.

Even so, the pervasive myth may explain why I’ve only received one rejection letter in December. Either that or I’m about to ring in 2011 with a host of new publication credits?

(I love my job. I love my job. I love my job.) ((I really do.))

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