It’s been a while since my last garden update, so I thought I’d share some of the progress its undergone over the past month.
The raspberries are starting to come in, and I had my first taste this morning. They’re tart, but tasty.
The cold weather hasn’t been kind to my tomato plants, and they don’t look as happy as they have in previous years. I’m not sure what I can do to help them.
My garlic has been pilfered by raccoons, and they’ve knocked over part of one of the raspberry bushes, and I’m not sure how to keep them out of my plants.
The African marigolds are flowering nicely though.
The first chilies are also coming in, which I’m pretty excited about. I might be able to try one in another week or so.
I’ve been trying to grow more flowers this year, make it a little more colourful in the garden. Vegetables don’t seem to do well in this pot anyway.
The rain barrel cracked again this winter, which is irritating as it means I have to use water from the house for the plants rather than relying on nature’s bounty, but the lilies seem to like it.
No flowers yet, but it’s growing, and shooting out tendrils looking for new places to land. I was late planting it, and may not see any fruit this year.
Though I had flowers on the blueberry bush, I don’t see any fruit. The cold that followed the flowers may have put an end to that.
The cherry tree’s barely budded this year, which is also a disappointment.
At the very least, these flowers seem to be doing well, and loving the pot I found for them. They cheer me.