Television, photo by Stefan

Manuscripts in the Curriculum on CTV Kitchener

The University of Guelph is playing host to a nine of medieval manuscripts and texts on loan from Les Enluminures, a rare book firm out of Chicago as a part of Manuscripts in the Curricula. There are several classes involved with the project, including several undergraduate classes, and a group of graduate students, which is how I’m taking part. Part of this is to work towards exhibition that will take place in the McLaughlin Archives in March 2020.

At the moment I am working with a manuscript Office of the Dead created for use of St Kunibert in Cologne in 1487 (with 18th century additions), and a Hardouyn printed book of hours c. 1526. Both are fascinating texts, and I will get into them more as my research continues.

Part of the aim of the project is to ensure that as many people have the opportunity to learn about these manuscripts as possible, and so a few of us were interviewed for a segment on CTV Kitchener’s evening news.

The episode aired earlier this evening, and that’s kind of neat. My bit is towards the end, somewhere around the 40-minute mark.

For more, please see “U of G Offers Opportunity to Flip Through Medieval Manuscripts“and stay tuned — more to come once the exhibition launches.

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