
The online journal of Nico Mara-McKay.

Introducing Lydia

On Wednesday my husband and I visited a shelter run by Toronto Animal Services to look at the kittens available for adoption. The closest, the South Region centre, was difficult to reach due to blockades set up for the Indy races which were happening that weekend. After circling the centre for close to half an hour, we […]

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First day

I resigned from my position at the bank several weeks ago, Friday was officially my last day. Today was to be my first day getting to work as a properly self-employed person. I’m still working out what that means. For me, today, it meant calling in sick. I thought it a smart move to use what benefits

First day Read more »

I quit!

At the end of May my husband and I went to Paris for two weeks. This is my favourite picture of me from that trip. I really dig the beret, and it didn’t bother me a bit that I was the only person in Paris wearing one. We’re still working on sorting through the pictures (Drew took

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Short story submitted, the price of IRCs and something published

Last Tuesday I submitted another short story submitted to an American magazine. Holy cow IRCs ((IRC = International Reply Coupon)) are expensive. Four dollars. For the cost of a stamp to mail a letter from America to Canada. Oh. Em. Gee. The entire package ended up costing almost eight bucks. For something that may or may not

Short story submitted, the price of IRCs and something published Read more »

On writing manuals

In a recent post on his blog, Mark Charan Newton linked to an essay on writing manuals by Richard Bausch published in the Atlantic, “How to Write in 700 Easy Lessons“. Bausch deplores them, and justifiably so given his experience with an unnamed how-to publisher and would-be student writers who fail to read. And this is the

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