
The online journal of Nico Mara-McKay.

Jude makes a friend: Day 3

Monday. Bunny was home all day by herself, shut in my office. When I returned home and opened my office door the cats rushed in, as they hate shut doors. Jude must have been lonely, because she seemed to perk up when I opened her cage to pet her. The cats sniffed the cage warily, but Jude

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Hey Jude: Day 1

My sister and her boyfriend are on vacation this week. They’re going to Ottawa. To me this sounds like the most boring vacation possible, but she lived there for a few years, so she must be immune to the nothing that happens there. Or corrupted by it. At any rate, we’re rabbit sitting for her boyfriend while

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An Evening with Toronto’s Boyfriend, Neil Gaiman

I’d originally meant to post this write-up after the event itself, but got rather busy, so here’s the truncated version. Luminato is a new arts festival in Toronto; this is its second year. Neil Gaiman headlined the literary program with an interview, reading, Q&A and, of course, a lengthy signing. Tickets were cheap (only $15) and when

An Evening with Toronto’s Boyfriend, Neil Gaiman Read more »

Birthday Celebrations 2009

Birthdays as a kid were easy: summer birthday summer + grandparents pool = pool parties. Messes of other kids, swimming, playing Shark and Marco Polo, a barbeque, running around like lunatics, cake, and presents. So easy. As an adult, things somehow got more complicated, and they turned out to be less fun. ((Indeed, every other day the

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