
The online journal of Nico Mara-McKay.

Web design terminology

Chris Coyier over at has written a seriously needed breakdown of web design terminology from something as basic as “browser” (you know, the thing you’re viewing this website with), to seemingly made up ones like “borked” that no-one’s ever heard of before (apparently it’s a verb meaning wonky). I love that half the comments are devoted […]

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Neil Cameron’s A-Z of Awesomeness

Comic writer and artist Neil Cameron is creating alphabetically themed image as suggested by fans on Facebook and Twitter. Pictured here is “I is for… Indiana Jones Inching Away from an Inebriated Iron Man“. (Kinda reminds me of Bender…) Highlights include “D is for… Doctor Who Defeating Doctor Doom in a Deadly Disco Dance-off” , “J is

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Seven reasons booksellers hate their customers

Matt Blind has written a disturbingly accurate light and humourous piece on the different types of customers who visit bookstores. Grazers Grazers don’t need a book, or want a book, but they love coming in to the bookstore, and love lingering leisurely over all the tables, racks, endcaps, promotional displays, and front-of-store placements. If they can do

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In other news…May reads

I’ve finished updating my books read list for May. When I first posted about the list, my sister mocked me under the absurd impression that she reads more than I do. So she began to keep track, and in April we held a contest, which I won. By a lot. In May, she tried again, and lost

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Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim, written by Bryan Lee O’Malley, is pretty much Awesome Incarnate. Scott Pilgrim was recently optioned by Universal, and will star Michael Cera, ((How does this kid not have his own website yet?)) who, upon re-reading book 1, should be damn-near perfect as Scott. The film version of Scott Pilgrim Versus the World will hit theatres

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