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See me at Moving Trans History Forward 2021

I will be presenting a paper at Moving Trans History Forward, a conference hosted by the University of Victoria.

My talk is called “Categorizing Gender: Historicizing the Nonnormative,” and will look at two legal cases from medieval Europe, those of Eleanor Rykener and Hetzeldorfer, and explores methodological and ethical questions surrounding appropriate naming conventions, pronoun usage, historicization, and what can be known of a person’s sense of internal identity.

The conference takes place from Thursday, 11 March through to Sunday, 14 March, and my talk takes place on Friday, 12 March starting at 9:45 am PST during session 15. Due to covid-19, the conference will take place online, and therefore may be more accessible to more people. Click here to view the full program.

Moving Trans History Forward 2021

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