“Wrecked” in carte blanche 17
The latest issue of carte blanche is up, no. 17, and it contains a poem from me titled “Wrecked.”
“Wrecked” in carte blanche 17 Read more »
The latest issue of carte blanche is up, no. 17, and it contains a poem from me titled “Wrecked.”
“Wrecked” in carte blanche 17 Read more »
My review of Sexual Outlaw, Erotic Mystic: The Essential Ida Craddock has been published in Witches & Pagans, issue 26.
New review in W&P 26 Read more »
This issue of Broken Pencil lists the results of the Indie Writer’s Deathmatch, in which Nana K. Adjei-Brenyah emerged victorious.
Four reveiws in Broken Pencil 59 Read more »
Shortly after the poem about my mother’s cooking appeared in Carousel, my sister said she still hadn’t seen my poem about Drew. It gave me a bit of a start, because I hadn’t published a poem about him as far as I could recall. It turns out she meant “A sonnet for my love on the eve
It’s not necessarily about me Read more »
My review of Masham Means Everything, by Kanina Dawson (Coteau Books, 2013) is in Quill & Quire‘s April 2013 issue. I’m super excited. I love Q&Q, and always check out their latest reviews and industry news. In this issue, particularly the story about the collapse of Douglas & McIntyre and where that leaves things. In honour of
New review in Quill & Quire April 2013 Read more »
I’ve been reading James Pollock’s You Are Here: Essays on the Art of Poetry in Canada, and find his reviews and criticisms to be instructive, even (especially?) when I don’t agree with his conclusions. When I came upon this paragraph about avant garde or innovative poetry, I couldn’t resist sharing it: Why do these poets choose to
James Pollock on innovative poetry Read more »