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Two reviews in Broken Pencil 54

In addition to its usual excellent content, ((Especially check out “Zine vs. Art,” by Laura Trethewey, which explores what amounts to the gentrification of the zine scene.)) issue 54 of Broken Pencil contains two reviews from me, which I’m super excited about.

The first review is of Afflictions & Departures, by Madeline Sonik. Part memoir, part history, I later learned it was nominated as a finalist for the 2012 Charles Taylor Prize for literary non-fiction. Chimps of Fauna Sanctuary ended up claiming the prize, but Sonik was in excellent company.

The second review is of Stephen Cain’s I Can Say Interpellation!, a collection of children’s rhymes rewritten as politically charged poems. Neat stuff. ((Stephen Cain seemed like it!))

It’s a great magazine, check it out!

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